Early Childhood Access
Consortium for Equity

Consortium Member Roster

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Consortium Member and Representative List
as of July 26, 2024

Institution Type of Institution Voting Member Title
Black Hawk College Community College Marta Urdaneta Dean of Health and Human Services
Blackburn College Professor, Chair of Education Kathleen Bauer Professor, Chair of Education
Chicago State University Public University Inna Dolzhenko Assistant Professor,
Early Childhood Education
College of DuPage Community College Rocio Olvera ECACE Project Coordinator
College of Lake County Community College Diane Schael Instructor, Education
Danville Area Community College Community College Penny McConnell Assistant Vice President Academic Affairs
DePaul University Private Colleges & Universities Marie Donovan Associate Professor
Early Childhood Teacher Education
Eastern Illinois University

Dept of Teaching, Learning, & Foundations

Dept of Human Services
Public University Laretta Henderson Dean, College of Education
Elgin Community College Community College Justin Robinson Dean of Communications & Behavioral Sciences
Governors State University Public University Shannon Dermer Dean, College of Education
Greenville University Private Colleges & Universities Laura Schaub Professor, School of Education
Harold Washington College Community College Theresa Carlton Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
Harper College Community College Lauri Marmostone Early Childhood Support Specialist
Heartland College Community College Johnna Darragh-Ernst Professor, Early Childhood Education
Highland Community College Community College Melissa Johnson Early Childhood Education Instructor
Illinois Central College Community College Trisha Alexander Associate Dean Business, Legal, & Information Systems
Illinois Eastern Community College Community College Robert Conn Dean of Instruction
Illinois State University Public University Linda Ruhe Marsh Director, ECE Online
Workforce Project
Illinois Valley Community College Community College Lirim Neziroski Dean of Humanities,
Fine Arts and Social Sciences
Judson University Private Colleges & Universities Joy Towner Chair, Division of Education
John A Logan College Community College Joseph Dethrow Dean of Arts and Sciences
John Wood Community College Community College April Darringer Early Childhood Instructor
Joliet Junior College Community College Josh West Dean of CTE
Kankakee Community College Community College Katelynn Ohrt Assistant Dean School of Education, Health and Human Behavior
Kaskaskia College Community College Traci Masau Dean of Career & Technical Education
Kennedy King College Community College Shandria Holmes Dean of Instruction
Kishwaukee College Community College Judson Curry Dean, Office of Instruction
Lake Land College Community College Tanille Ulm Program Director for Early
Childhood Education
Lewis & Clark Community College Community College Randy Gallaher Dean of Liberal Arts, Business,
and Information Technology
Lewis University Private Colleges & Universities Rebecca Pruitt Program Director, Associate Professor,
Early Childhood Development,
College of Education
Lincoln Land Community College Community College Kalith Smith Dean, Social Sciences and Business
Malcom X College Community College Elizabeth Gmitter Interim Dean, Health Science
and Career Programs
McHenry County College Community College Dawn Britton Dean, Social Sciences & Public Services
Moraine Valley Community College Community College Ryen Nagle Chief Academic Officer
Morton College Community College Michael Rose Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives,
Adult Education & CTE
National Louis University Private Colleges & Universities Leslie Layman Director of Strategic
Initiatives ECE
Northeastern Illinois University Public University Alberto Lopez Associate Dean, College of Education
Northern Illinois University

College of Education

College of Health & Human Sciences
Public University Bess Wilson Chair and Professor, Teacher Education
Oakton Community College Community College Ruben Howard Dean Business & Career Technologies
Olive Harvey College Community College Pernevlon Ellis Dean of Instruction
Olivet Nazarene University Private Colleges & Universities Lance Kilpatrick Chair, Department of Education
Parkland College Community College Amy Kilgus Chamley ECE Faculty & Program Director
Prairie State College Community College Ty Jiles Dean/Student Support
Rend Lake College Community College Kim Wilkerson Associate Vice President of Career
and Technical Education
and Student Support
Richard Daley College Community College Cynthia Moreno Associate Dean of Instruction
Richland Community College Community College Danielle Patricio Dean of Liberal Art
Rock Valley College Community College Takeisha Lambert Dean, Arts & Social Sciences
Rockford University Private Colleges & Universities Kimberlee Wagner Associate Professor of Education
Roosevelt University Private Colleges & Universities Jin-ah Kim Chair of Teacher Preparation Department
Sauk Valley Community College Community College Sasha Logan Dean of Business, Career, and
Technical Programs
South Suburban College Community College Samantha Murray Program Coordinator of
Early Childhood Education
Southern Illinois University Carbondale Public University Stacy Thompson Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies & Curriculum
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Public University Natasha Flowers Assistant Dean School of Education,
Health and Human Behavior
Spoon River College Community College Robert Kensinger Director of Early Childhood Education
Southwestern Illinois College Community College Yvette Schultz Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator
St. Augustine College Private Colleges & Universities Shekeita Webb Program Director,
Early Childhood Program
Triton College Community College Jeanette Bartley Chief Academic Officer
Truman College Community College Kate Connor Chief Academic Officer
University of Illinois Chicago Public University Kathryn Bouchard Chval Dean, College of Education
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign Public University Chrystalla Mouza Dean, College of Education
Waubonsee Community College Community College Sharon Garcia Executive Dean for
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Western Illinois University Public University Eric Sheffield Director, School of Education

For information about ECACE contact ecace-info@ecace.org