

The Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity publishes annual reports to highlight and preserve the work that has been accomplished through this initiative. Data is collected and compiled from a variety of sources, including each Consortium member institution. Legislative reporting requirements as outlined in Section 30 of IL Public Act 102-0174 require the ECACE to “report to the General Assembly, the Senate and House Committees with oversight over higher education, the Governor, and the Advisory Committee on the progress made by the Consortium.”


Read reports by the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity.

The report will be ready to post in about 1 week

ECACE Second Annual Report, 2024


The second annual ECACE report highlights work and outcomes of the ECACE Initiative. The report includes the work of the Consortium to support students to access, persist, and complete higher education credentials and degrees; and changes in enrollment from the baseline year of AY 2019- 20 through AY 2022-23 in the first full year of Consortium implementation.

ECACE Mid-Year Report


This mid-year report provides updates on several aspects of ECACE, including the ECACE Scholarship uptake for AY 2022 – 2023, outreach to and participation from the ECEC workforce, and engagement and responsiveness to ECEC employers. Additionally, the report includes information about job roles, setting, and tenure for the ECEC incumbent workforce attending Consortium institutions during AYs 2020, 2021, and/or 2022.

ECACE First Annual Report 2022


The first annual ECACE report highlights work to launch the ECACE and provide services to members of the ECEC workforce to begin or continue higher education degree programs in the period from July 2021 through December 2022. The report also displays the change in enrollment of the incumbent early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce from the baseline year of AY 2019 – 2020 to AY 2021 – 2022, the year in which the ECACE Consortium was established.